Workforce Development Programs

BattleGround to Breaking Ground

The BattleGround to Breaking Ground program, BGBG, is a four-phase program delivered through a hybrid in-person and online model to assist veterans, active-duty military, and other beginning farmers and ranchers to start or expand an agriculture operation. BGBG introduces participants to agriculture business ideas as well as business planning and funding resources in Phase 1, then walks them through weekly modules to create an agriculture business plan in Phase 2. In Phase 3, participants gain agriculture production knowledge and skills through online courses and hands-on learning.

Phase 1-3 graduates who are veterans/active- duty military are eligible for a $1,000 stipend and can apply to the Phase 4: Mentor Training Program. Certified mentors are paid for conducting hands-on learning hours with Phase 3 participants. In FY 2024, 222 individuals participated in the program. Over the past three years, more than 600 participants either started farming or were trained to start farming through BGBG. An additional 183 participants improved their farming success through the program.


I found this program during one of the darkest periods of my life. I would have never imagined that being lost while trying to integrate back into my community would be harder than the three combat deployments I endured as an active-duty infantry and signal corps officer in the U.S. Army. This program continues to serve as my beacon of hope, and I will forever be grateful for the investment that has been made in our veterans.”


Horticultural Options in Plant Sciences Program

The Texas A&M Horticultural Options in Plant Sciences, HOPS, Certification program is a 32-week, post-secondary transition program for individuals with or without disabilities who are interested in training and a career in the horticulture industry. The program aims to help participants gain the skills and experience needed to transition to competitive integrated employment in the horticulture industry.

Launched in 2021, the program offers three specialized tracks: floral design, greenhouse/nursery plant production and landscape management. There were 17 program participants in FY 2024, with 94% graduation rate, 75% post-graduation competitive employment rate and 100% industry-recognized credential rate.


What HOPS program means to me is opportunity. Without this program, I wouldn’t be here today. I’m so thankful for this opportunity to learn how to be independent and learn a lot about horticulture. I’m excited about taking what I’ve learned to my job opportunity.”


Work and College Opportunities

The Work and College Opportunities, WACO, program is a six-week summer residential program for young adults with or without disabilities. It provides development and instruction in professionalism, self-determination, self-advocacy, teamwork and other skills related to employment and college attendance.

WACO program participants take specially designed classes on the Texas A&M University campus and are given theopportunity to audit the Blinn College courses based on their career interests. Participants also gain work experience in the Bryan/College Station community. Emphasis areas include vocational skills, career exploration and independent living skills. There were 33 program participants in FY 2024, with a total of 6,600 contact hours.


I like getting the experience of both college and work because, in my third or fourth year of college, I want to get a job and try to live on my own. I’ve definitely learned a lot from participating in the WACO program.”